Home 5G and PiracyRisks and Protections for Technology(Analysis by ENISA)

    5G and Piracy
    Risks and Protections for Technology
    (Analysis by ENISA)

    The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity

    Security in 5G Specifications - Controls in 3GPP (February 2021)
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    Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC (July 2021)
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    5G Supplement - to the Guideline on Security Measures under the EECC (July 2021)
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    NFV Security in 5G - Challenges and Best Practices (February 2022)
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    5G Cybersecurity Standards (March 2022)
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    Fog and Edge Computing in 5G (March 2023)
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    5G Security Controls Matrix (May 2023)
    [download file]

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